Feature Interview Answers #1

 1. What is your name?


2. How long have you been practicing martial arts?

5 years

3. Which martial arts have you done?

Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Dutch Kickboxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga

4. Which style is your favorite?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

5. Why?

It doesn't matter what size you are in it, you can still win.

6. What got you into martial arts?


7. Have you ever competed?


8. In what and what place?

Kickboxing expedition match

BJJ 2nd place

9. Which famous martial artist do you most look up to?

Helio Gracie

10. Why?

He was a small man that used Jiu Jitsu to win his matches against bigger opponents.

11. Other than the physical aspect, what is the best thing martial arts has taught you?


12. How have you applied what you have learned on the mat into everyday life?

Remaining calm in intense situation and not letting it get to you. “A fight happened during school and I was able to split it up.”

13. Do you think practicing martial arts has made you a better person?

Yes, it helped me mentally and physically to become a better person by giving me challenges on the mat so that challenges in the real world were not as difficult.

14. What are your career plans?

Diesel mechanic

15. Which martial art do you think a beginner should start with?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

16. Why?

Its not too physically taxing on the body compared to a striking art.

17. What is the best advice you have for someone wanting to start martial arts?

If they want to compete, take it slow and don't rush into it. If you want it for self defense, learn as much as you can and try to practice wherever you can while still taking it slow.

18. Do you plan to keep practicing martial arts during your adult life?


19. What is one quote you live by?

Don't give up and keep going.

20. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I will be almost retired with my own shop. I will have a black in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

"I like competition better"


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