Feature Interview Questions

1. What is your name?

2. How long have you been practicing martial arts?

3. Which martial arts have you done?

4. Which style is your favorite?

5. Why?

6. What got you into martial arts?

7. Have you ever competed?

8.I n what and what place?

9. Which famous martial artist do you most look up to?

10. Why?

11. Other than the physical aspect, what is the best thing martial arts has taught you?

12. How have you applied what you have learned on the mat into everyday life?

13. Do you think practicing martial arts has made you a better person?

14. What are your career plans?

15. Which martial art do you think a beginner should start with?

16. Why?

17. What is the best advice you have for someone wanting to start martial arts?

18. Do you plan to keep practicing martial arts during your adult life?

19. What is one quote you live by?

20. Where do you see yourself in ten years?


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